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Monday, August 08, 2005

Bright Eyes is a genius

*Note: the iTunes links no longer work :(

When I first started this post, I was just trying to find some good videos to link to from iTunes, but in the process, after accidentally deleting all the links I made, I found these 2 videos below instead. So, I think it was God who pointed me to these songs, along with there amazing videos. Here is where my post began earlier, which was originally titled "Remember when MTV was good?":

Here are some more music videos from iTunes. They've got a bunch of stuff you'll never see on MTV. These are selections from the alternative genre. More to come later if I feel like it...

Bright Eyes - Easy/Lucky/Free: One of the coolest ways to visualize a song. Think you can write backwards? check this out...

Bright Eyes - First Day of My Life: Upon writing this post I've realized that Bright Eyes is a genius, so I am postponing the rest of the post until later so I can go listen to more of his music, and I suggest that you do the same.


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